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Vasudhev Kutumbkam in the Modern World

We all are aware of the term ‘Vasudhev Kutumbkam’, which means the entire earth is like a family. This idea can be very well observed in the history of India where all the foreigners were accepted and made part of this beautiful country. India always kept its doors opened to the world, it has always believed in the idea that walking together don’t make the path narrow but it opens new opportunities for all. India has always believed that knowledge is the most sacred and valuable thing in the world and it must be shared with everyone.

Our world is most divided in the 21st century, countries are involved in wars for land, economy and resources this all can change with the vision of Vasudhev Kutumbkam. The Covid disaster was the worst health disaster that world has faced in the last century, not only economy but the entire humanity was at a stake, millions of people lost the source of livelihood but because of the combined efforts of all the countries throughout the world all the countries were able to recover from economic and medical crisis. Around 300 years ago the idea of nationalism developed in the western world that believed in the idea that people sharing common history, language and geography has common interest and that nation must be above all, this idea must be changed in the new age with new challenges as the world is more connected and interdependent then ever before.

The modern sciences has proved that an activity in one corner of the world can have severe impact on the other part of the world, for example heat produced in India and the USA can have severe impact on the weather conditions in south pole and north pole. The modern challenges like Covid, climate change and economic crisis need a collective approach. Technology sharing especially in the area of energy and resources must be shared between countries so that even the under developed economies can prepare themselves for a bright future and can participate in the fight against common challenges. As Use of AI in power sector can help countries to plan the production and transfer of power so that limited resources can be mobilized in a proper manner.

Our world also need an economic order based on Vasudhev Kutumbkam so that no other country can exploit the resources of other countries for their own advancement and economic benefits, the practice of dumping the solid wastes from developed country into under developed country is new form of colonialism that is being practiced and African countries are the modern colonies. Plastic waste from developed countries is transported to developing countries for recycling and this waste is not managed in a proper manner and leads to pollution. The world also need an order to control the race for natural resources through a vision of common future so that world war like conditions can be avoided, under developed countries often lease out their resources to developed countries for money and this leads to over exploitation of resources by developed world. ( similar were the conditions during world war 1 where Britain, France and Germany were in the race to control the resources for their own development). We also need a policy related to the export of cheap agriculture produce from developed countries and this is a serious threat to the earning of farming in the third world countries, for example the import of wheat was cheaper than the native markets and this led to the fall of price of agricultural produce. The world need a vision for sustainable development and only idea of Vasudhev Kutumbkam can make it a reality.

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