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Uniform civil code

Uniform civil code also Popular as UCC is a set of personal laws that will be applicable to all the citizen of India irrespective of their caste, religion and sex. As of now India do not have a common personal law, the personal laws of the citizens of India are guided by various other laws that are framed from time to time as per the requirement.

Here is the list of few personal laws-

  1. The Hindu marriage act 1955 – this law not only covers Hindus but also other religious minorities such as Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains.
  2. The Indian Christian Marriage act 1872.
  3. Parsi Marriage and Divorce act 1936.
  4. Dissolution of Marriage act 1939.
  5. The Indian succession act 1925.
  6. Hindu succession act 1956 and others.

Though the constitution of India has not codified any personal law but it directs the central government under the article 44 to frame Uniform Civil Code for its citizens. Even the supreme court has guided the central government to frame a UCC for its citizens as early as possible so that all the cases related to personal laws can be solved through the court of law. The recent announcement by PM Modi has brought the topic into headlines and if everything goes as per plan India might have its first UCC by the end of the monsoon season. But the big question here is does India at this point requires a UCC or not?

Why India need a Uniform Civil Code?

  1. All the citizens of a country must be given equal opportunity to settle their issues using their legal rights hence citizens must be given such laws which they can use to settle their issues.
  2. It is the duty of a state to protect the dignity of its citizen and this can be done through law making and law enforcement.
  3. It is also the duty of a state to provide justice to its citizen, in case of absence of personal laws people belonging to certain community might find it difficult to get justice.
  4. India is a secular country and all the religions hold equal importance for constitution and government institutions, this status of constitution must be reflected in law making and efforts are needed in the direction to bring all the citizens under the same roof.
  5. The religious laws were framed about hundreds of years ago as per the need and expectations of people. The changing time and conditions require new approach and new ideas, we require new laws that can meet the modern expectation and aspiration of people.

It is high time for India to adopt a Uniform Civil code so that all of its citizens gets equal opportunities, justice and protection. Its not only the duty of government to introduce UCC but right of every citizens to have laws that can protect their rights.

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