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Navratras- A tale of nine life lessons.

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Today in our discussion on the culture we will talk about the importance of Navratras in Present life. India is the spiritual guru of the world. No country has produced as much material on self-discovery and nature as India. Navratras are the best example that shows that self-discovery is possible along with celebration. The nine avatars of lord Durga represents the nine stages of human life and the type of yoga or self-control one must possess over their mind so that they can have the desired results in the end. This yoga or self-control is a self-discovery tool that helps us to realize our actual potential and bring it into use.

If we talk about the life of lord Durga, she was reborn as the daughter of Himalaya and with the inspiration of Narad, she decided to marry lord, Shiva. After long years of penance and discipline, she was able to marry lord, Shiva. This is not just a simple story of marriage, it is about establishing a good connection between various parts of the body, especially between mind and soul and this connection will finally help you to meet your goal.

DAY1: On the first day Devi Shailputri is worshipped. This form of lord Durga represents the phase of early childhood. Early childhood is the time when we develop feelings. Feelings govern our reaction to the things around us. If we have good control over feelings we can control our reaction to the things around us i.e we can be master of our situations, this makes us feel more confident to face challenges. In absence of control over feelings, we are surrounded by fear and weakness.

DAY2: On the second day Devi Brahmacharini is worshipped. This phase is late childhood. This phase is related to emotions. Emotions help you in connecting with yourself and with people around you. This form of lord Durga represents love, simplicity, wisdom, and knowledge, these are the four things that are the bedrock of every relation. It is often said that emotions are the powerhouse of relations, but emotions like anger can destroy your relations and can make you act in any way it wants, hence it is very important to have control over emotions.

DAY3: On the third day Devi Chandraghanta is worshipped. This form of lord Durga has three eyes and ten hands holding ten types of weapons. Her weapons show the courage to face challenges, take control of life and confidence. Devi Chandraghanta represents the youth phase and it is this phase that requires confidence and courage so that harsh decisions can be made and direction can be given to thought and ideas.

DAY4: On the fourth day Devi Khushmanda is worshipped. This form represents the age group 21- 28. Devi Khushmanda is said to be the creator of this world, she created this world from darkness. This form of Devi shows the ability to give and receive, whatever you will give others you will receive the same from others and yourself. Be the creator of your world, and take responsibility for whatever you achieve or lose.

DAY5: On the fifth day Devi Skandamata is worshipped. Skandamata can be seen holding Lord Skanda or Kartikeya in his childhood form. This form of Devi shows the commitment, love, and truth that a mother has towards her child. Always fulfill your commitments like a mother. Love the truth and you will be able to choose what is right for you and the people around you.

DAY6: On the sixth day Devi Katyayini is worshipped. This form of Devi has two empty hands and the other two hands have a sword and lotus. Devi’s open hand shows that an open mind can imagine and achieve anything. Our present is the gift of imagination of great people in the past, use your energy of imagination for creation and knowledge.

DAY7: On the seventh day Devi Kaalratri is worshipped. Here Kaal means time and Ratri means darkness. This is the only form of Devi Durga that shows that hard times, problems, sorrow, and death cannot be ignored, we must accept the presence of negativity around us but our efforts should always be in the direction to fight negativity with full efforts. There is an end to everything, even if you are surrounded by problems don’t lose hope your problems will also end and you will achieve your goals.

DAY8: On the eighth day Devi Mahagauri is worshipped. This form is called Mahagauri, which means very bright, as per mythologies it was this form of Devi that killed demos like Shumbha, Nishumbha, Chanda, and Munda. This form shows that darkness can be removed from your life only with patience and effort, you have to fight for what you want and at last, you will be on the brighter side i.e Mahagauri.

DAY9: On the 9th day Devi Siddhidatri is worshipped. As the name suggests this form of Devi blesses people with the Siddhi or the ultimate truth. Once all the yogas or above said disciplines are observed one can achieve the ultimate truth. As per mythologies, the ultimate truth is understanding the real purpose of life. This life is not only about pleasure, pleasure is only a part of life. Life is about purpose, give yourself a purpose and achieve it.

This Navratra enjoy the festival of life and try to give yourself the required discipline that will make your life a purposeful life.

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