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History of ideas

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We all know that history is the mother of all subjects and it is the only subject that can be studied under a variety of topics, one such topic is the history of ideas. From the title, it is clear that here we are concerned only with the evolution of ideas, but one thing we must understand is that the discussion here will not be limited only to the ideas we must also judge the factors that led to the evolution of those ideas and finally what changes they brought to the society. Let’s understand this with an example Ashoka brought a lot of administrative changes after the Kalinga war. He named these policies Dhamma, it propagated the idea of peace and brotherhood. Now there could have been two reasons that compelled Ashoka to adopt the policy of Dhamma first, the economic losses that Ashoka faced during the war would have forced him to adopt the policy of peace so that economic losses can be recovered during this time. Another reason could have been the vastness of the Mauryan empire, extending boundaries required a new policy as it was hard to control such a vast empire with the policy of severe control. The outcome of the policy is discussed to see what changes it brought to the life of people and history as a whole.

Why history of ideas matter?

  1. Our society and environment in which we live today are the gift of the ideas that evolved in the past. The evolution of ideas has always remained the most powerful force behind the changes that took place in politics, trade, architecture, spirituality, and others. Hence it becomes important to understand the evolution and propagation of these ideas.
  2. History of ideas can also be used as a testing ground for new and evolving ideas, policy related decisions are hard to test and the testing results can be very different from the real results. Past experiences can be used to draw conclusions and make changes in the existing ideas.
  3. History is full of ideas, some ideas gained popularity but some ideas remained undiscovered. History of ideas will help us to discover new ideas from history and open new opportunities for future from past.
  4. It also helps in improving the decision making power of learner.
  5. International ties between countries can be made stronger. A lot of ideas originated in India and traveled around the world and developed as distinct culture and practice. These common culture and practices can be used to build ties with other countries.

How this blog will help you in understanding history of ideas?

Through this blog we will discuss the evolution of ideas in various fields like astronomy, science, art, architecture, philosophy, spirituality and others. Each area will be discussed separately so that we can clearly understand the evolution of ideas and can draw our own conclusions. These ideas will also help students in debates, essay writing, art, group discussion and public speaking. Join us to live history and create history.

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