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Humans are defined as social animals, which means humans survive collectively as a group, which we refers to as society. The survival of humans depend on the role played by each person in a society, all of us are bounded by certain laws and social obligations, which we have learn from our ancestors. This obviously is logical because if every person in a society have to learn everything from beginning then we will never be able to develop as a society, though necessary changes can be made  to this learning based on the circumstances and need of the society. Now if we look at the meaning of culture, culture is defined as the ideas, customs, arts and social behaviour of particular people or society, this is similar in meaning to the idea that has been discussed in the beginning of this article, these ideas, customs and social behaviour are gift of our ancestors to our generation.

So we can generalize culture as the flow of ideas( in form of customs, art and social rituals) from one generation to other that gives a society its way of life. As these evolution of ideas may vary from region to region based on the factors like climatic condition, geography, history and availability of resources, we have different cultures throughout the world.

Now the question arises what is the role of culture in our life apart from giving us the way of life we are living?

  1. First of all like history, culture as well gives us identity and this identity plays a very important role in developing trust among people in society, which ultimately leads to stability and prosperity.
  2. Culture has a very important role to play in the economic development of a country. It is culture that decides the attitude of people towards work, learning, scientific development and other such aspects.
  3. It also gives human touch to the societies, as people get a chance to celebrate various festivals and occasions with the people living around them. This keeps the spirit of life moving and this is what makes us humans different from machines.
  4. Culture also teaches us to respect and accept diversities. It is this feeling of respect for others that keeps the world moving and when we loose this feeling of respect it leads to events like World  war one and two.
  5. Culture like history also helps us to build international relation. It has been found that the countries that share cultural relation have stronger relation in comparison with the countries that do not share any cultural relation.

At this moment our world is most divided and what we need is a world that respects each others differences and this makes the culture more important than ever before because culture is that aspect of human life which makes us human, what we are today is the gift of our ancestors to us in form of culture now it is our duty to protect and preserve these ideas, arts and festivals for our future generation so that even the coming generations can feel the spirit of commonness and can bring a human touch to their lives.   

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