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I in the AI: Introduction

Artificial intelligence is the term used to define the thinking or decision making capability of machines that were once possible only for humans. This decision making capability of machines has been defined as the most important invention in the history of humans. There can be two reasons behind this, first this invention will influence the life of almost all the people living on this planet as AI has a bigger role to play in all the sectors of economy, society and politics. The other reason to call it the king of all invention is soon it will replace all the existing technologies and will give rise to new technologies that humans has never seen before. But as said, every scientific invention has its own pros and cons and in our discussion today we will try to understand the capabilities of AI that can change or impact human lives.  

  1. Ability of AI to judge: This is the most important feature of AI, these machines can judge the conditions around them and take decisions based on those conditions. This ability of AI also includes making predictions, which helps in improving the overall performance of AI. It has been found that AI took better decisions than humans when put under medical and engineering scenarios.
  2. Ability of AI to train and program other machines:  These machines are not only capable of performing their own tasks but they can also program other machines to perform specific tasks. This will help in developing automation to a great extent, which in turn will boost production and trade.
  3. Ability of AI to process natural language: The human and machine interaction has been slow because machines cannot understand the natural language that humans speak. Special training were required to interact with machines or develop programs, but AI can understand and process the commands given in natural language. This makes the handling of AI easy and do not require any expertise to handle. This can help in creating services like translation, chatting and data handling.
  4.  Robotics: This is a specialized branch in which machines are designed to perform repetitive and dangerous tasks. But with the advancement of AI much advanced robots can be made that can handle a variety of operations from designing, construction, manufacturing to medical surgery, military operations and others. These advanced robots will have the capability to perform every task that a human can perform except innovation and imagination.
  5. Their ability to process large and complex data: This is the area where AI actually outsmarts the humans. AI can handle very complex and bulky data easily and this is the reason AI is being used to handle large applications that requires both collection of data and processing of data. Google, instagram, Whatsapp and other such applications are good example that shows the capability of AI. As the governments around the world are moving their business online, AI definitely has a big role to play in the upcoming future.

We know that AI will definitely change the world but what we do not know is how this AI will impact the people in different section of the society. In our next article we will analyse how AI will impact people in different sectors of economy and society.

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